International Day of Women and Girls in Science

The 11th of February marked the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, and here at the PLURAL project, we proudly joined the global recognition of women's contributions to science. As we reflect on the achievements and challenges faced by women and girls in the scientific community, we take pride in acknowledging the invaluable role that women play in our project.

We are fortunate to have many brilliant women scientists actively contributing to the PLURAL project, driving innovation, and pushing boundaries in their respective fields. From groundbreaking research to impactful discoveries, their dedication and expertise are instrumental in advancing our project's goals.

In honour of this special day, we'd like to shine a spotlight on the remarkable women who are part of the PLURAL project team by sharing a photo from our Review meeting, where our project advisor, alongside our esteemed female scientists, discussed the latest developments and milestones achieved within the PLURAL project.

Together, we celebrate diversity, empower the next generation of scientists, and pave the way for a brighter future in science for all!


Upcoming General Assembly meeting


M40 Steering Committee Meeting